Wigan Peers
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Potato Rarebit

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Potato Rarebit Empty Potato Rarebit

Post by Lolly Sun 21 Jul 2019, 6:38 pm

A wartime recipe.

Potato Rarebit
1 medium potato and 1 oz cheese per slice of toast (although I used just 1/2 oz of cheese to be really frugal)
Use mash potato as a basis for a rarebit. Beat the mashed potatoes until soft and smooth (add a little butter and milk if too stiff). Potatoes should be like a thick whipped cream..
Put in as much grated cheese as you can spare with plenty of seasoning to your own taste.
Spread on hot toast and brown under the grill
Proudly made in Wigan platinum award

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Join date : 2019-07-17
Age : 52

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